Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t take a small fortune to remodel your kitchen. In fact, it can probably be done for a lot less than you think. Here are some tips for an affordable kitchen remodel.
Thinking about a kitchen remodel? What are your priorities for remodeling the kitchen?
Three Tips for an Affordable Kitchen Remodel
Invest in your priorities
When remodeling your kitchen, decide what you care most about and put your money there.
If new cabinets or an island are top priorities – splurge there. Investing in your priorities allows your money to go further and ensures you get what you want most.
Keep the kitchen footprint in place
One of the most expensive aspects of remodeling is when people decide to tear apart the existing floor plan. When you do this, you have to pay for restructuring walls, pipes, and sometimes ventilation systems or changing supports if you tore out a load-bearing wall.
If you remodel around the existing floor plan your project will go much more smoothly and you will spend a lot less.
Find a balance between quality and price
Just because you’re trying to save money doesn’t mean you have to opt for low-quality fixtures on your remodel.
To save money, set a budget. Then make sure you can see a wide range of fixtures and understand their different features. Write down all this information and research each fixture in your price range. If you go to the right place, you’ll have plenty of options to compare in terms of features and price range and be able to ask questions.
Considering a kitchen remodel? Come visit our showroom and meet the experts at Agentis.