Your kitchen cabinets can only hold so much. So, it’s important to maximize the amount of storage you use and make it easier to navigate. Here are some tips for getting the most when you organize the storage in your kitchen cabinets.
Interchangeable drawer dividers help organize both small and large items.
Tips for When You Organize the Storage in Your Kitchen Cabinets
- Use smaller storage racks inside your larger cabinets. You’ll be amazed at what a stepped rack can do to make items more visible, eliminating the need to empty out a cabinet to find something.
- Considering installing cabinet cubbies instead of full shelving. Think shelving without the doors. These can help you divide a space for a specific use – pots and pans in one, baking dishes in another.
- Consider rails and hooks to hang pots and pans. This gets the hardware out of the cabinets, opening up space and putting things easily within reach.
- Install pull out shelves in cabinets. Easier on the back and it’s easy to see everything on the shelf as it slides out in full visibility.
Are your kitchen cabinets working for you? (Here are a few signs you may be outgrowing your kitchen cabinets.) Come talk to the experts at Agentis and take a look around the showroom.