If you live in an older home, chances are you have a bathtub that’s been in that bathroom for decades.It’s also likely that tub’s color has changed from porcelain white to dull brown and may even be rusting in a few places.Luckily, it’s not too late for rejuvenating your old bathtub. Here’s how.

Rejuvenating Your Old Bathtub

Here are three easy ways to boost your bathroom on a budget.

Tips for Rejuvenating Your Old Bathtub

Thorough Bathtub Scrub

Sometimes, just a good scrub can restore a bathtub to its former glory. To wash the tub, use a solution of warm water, one fourth cup of baking soda, and one fourth cup of ammonia. Use a sponge to scrub and wipe away tub grime. Afterwards, make sure to rinse it down.

Reglazing the Bathtub

If the tub is still dirty and a cleaning process like the one listed above won’t get the job done, it may be time to consider re-glazing. The re-glazing process is often best handled by a professional as it creates toxic fumes and, if done poorly, can lead to uneven surfaces in the tub.

Hand-Painting Vintage Bathtubs

Another option for sprucing up your bathtub, is repainting the outside of it. Depending on your artistic ability, you can create quite a dramatic effect by painting the outside of your bathtub. A quick search for images will show you some pretty cool ways that a bathtub can become a focal point in the room.

Looking for cost-effective ways to rejuvenate your bathroom? Call the experts at Agentis.