by | Dec 27, 2017 | Cabinets, kitchen cabinets, Kitchen Remodeling, reface cabinets, refinish cabinets
Thinking about a kitchen remodel or looking for new ideas? Here are 5 ideas for improving your kitchen cabinets. What kitchen cabinets are right for you? 5 Ideas for Improving Your Kitchen Cabinets Paint. It can do wonders for your cabinets and add a splash of color...
by | Nov 8, 2017 | kitchen cabinets, Kitchen Remodeling
Wondering how to select the right material for your kitchen cabinets? The color and material of your kitchen cabinets can set the tone for the entire room.When deciding the kind of mood you want to invoke from people in the kitchen, start with the cabinets. Thinking...
by | May 22, 2017 | Cabinets, kitchen cabinets, Kitchen Storage
Your kitchen cabinets can only hold so much. So, it’s important to maximize the amount of storage you use and make it easier to navigate. Here are some tips for getting the most when you organize the storage in your kitchen cabinets. Interchangeable drawer dividers...